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Services / Consultations
Anyone can request and perform a parasite test using PCI Europe. The analysis kits includes the testing of faecal, blood, tissues and skin specimens to diagnose and taxonomically identify human and animal-borne parasitic organisms and agents of medical and public health importance. These include over 40 species of protozoan (single-celled organisms), cysts and trophozoites, eggs and other stages of metazoans (multiple-celled parasites like roundworms, tapeworms, flukes, and other parasitic organisms) that may be found in biological specimens, e.g. faecal, blood, tissues, and skin.
PCI Europe in conjunction with PCI Inc. uses state of the art technologies for staining, processing and identifying parasites in faecal samples presented via mailable kits or shipped as whole worms. STF (Streck Tissue Fixative) is utilised for preserving and transporting of collected faecal specimens that are subsequently concentrated, processed and stained in the laboratory. Optical microscopy is connected with a video camera, monitor and printer for identification and verification. Results for each parasite tested on blood, tissues, faecal, and skin specimens are quantified on a scale of 1 (light infection) to 4 (heavy infection).
We strongly advise that you seek help and guidance from a practitioner who is familiar with these tests and the method of testing used. If you do not have a practitioner trained to interpret these results then we have a database of trained practitioners and we would be happy to provide you with a relevant practitioner that would be able to assist you.
Following the completion of a test with PCI Europe, all clients without a referring practitioner will need to speak to our in house practitioner as part of their test service. This is where clients receive an explanation as to what their results show, what they mean and any appropriate guidance in regards to them. One this has been completed, a copy of the results will then be sent to the individual. Often clients need additional support to successfully eradicate unwanted guests.
PCI Europe offers further support. A 1 hour session with our Director, Emma Lane is available at £190 and subject to her clinic availability.
This session is for anyone that would like to ask further questions surrounding their test results.
Should you require further support with other underlying health issues and would like to become a client of Emma Lane's please contact the office on 01924 242851 where you will be able to get further information, however please be aware that Emma does operate a waiting list.
Patient confidentiality and professional practice with practitioners and patients are strictly observed throughout all our services and support programmes.
PCI Europe offers educational courses designed only for practitioners to learn how to use the tests effectively with their patients. There are two options depending on level of experience:
- 2.5 hour workshops
The 2.5 hour workshop is for health certified practitioners already licensed to complete clinical testing. PCI Europe will provide an overview on how to effectively use the PCI tests for the detection of pathogens.
2. Comprehensive Course - How To Deal With Unwanted Guests; The World of Parasites, Fungus and Bacteria.
This is for both new and advanced certified practitioners wanting to learn more about parasites. Please contact the office for more details.
Both options include providing practitioners with the most recent publications on the parasites that their patients may have and providing other information about these parasites when requested; conducting educational seminars, and conference presentations on human parasitic infections to medical practitioners and public health professionals and workers in the health and allied fields.