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Publications & Videos
I. Following is a list of recent publications of public health importance.
- Herbal Remedies for Parasitic Infections Describes in detail different herbal remedies that have been used to eradicate parasitic infections including ancient Egyptian and Chinese medicine. This paper inspired the formulation of our popular parasite cleanse; Freedom, Cleanse, Restore
- Middle Eastern scientists take the lead in research on worlds most prevalent protozoal infection Describes Dr. Amin's contribution to the identification of parasites in the United States.
- Understanding Parasites should increase your awareness of the many different types of parasitic diseases.
- Neuro-cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) describes a new disorder of the skin and nervous system
- Recovering from Morgellon's Disease, Patients' Perspectives details 15 accounts of patients who have recovered from Morgellon's in their own words.
- Pathogenic Bacteria explains GI symptoms in the absence of parasite infections. Published in the Journal of Bacteriology and Parasitology.
- Bio-indicators describes biological artifacts that are sometimes confused for parasites
- Causes and Management of Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS). Describes the diagnosis and management of NCS or Morgellons, including compounding factors and case histories.
- Misdiagnosis and follow up of some NCS cases describes 24 randomly selected patients. Explore
- Epidemiology of Blastocystis hominis - most common human parasite in the United States
- Detecting Microbes -- microscopic parasites, which cause majority of parasitic infections in the United States
- An Overview of Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) with a Special Reference to Symptomology-- a detailed analysis categorizing symptoms from a random sample of 50 NCS patients.
- Dental Materials and their toxic ingredients associated with Neuro-cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) and Morgellons. A comprehensive list of dental chemicals known to have toxic properties causing NCS and Morgellons.
- Seasonal Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in the United States During 2000 -- Large-scale population parasitologic investigation and summary.
- Prevalence, Distribution, and Host Relationships of Cryptosporidium parvum (Protozoa) Infections in the United States, 2003-2005 -- sumarized by months, age-groups, gender, and symptoms for three-year period.
- The Face of Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome (NCS): New Cases, Recovery, and Perspectives -- addresses the experience of 18 new patients seen at PCI and successfully treated.
- Testimonial Account from a Former NCS Patient -- Morgellon's disease and its cure from a former sufferer [Published in Explore 17(4):14-16, 2008].
- Ancient Egyptian Medicine History, disease and disorders, and remedies of the Ancient Egyptians.
- Evaluation of trichrome plus stain A new stain currently in use at PCI is described with superior results versus traditional staining methods.
- Relationships in Parasitology I. Recognizoning the relationship between parasites and the physchological and physical terrain in Parasitology.
- Relationships in Parasitology II. Study of specific parasites as models of host-parasite relationships.
- Symptoms, Negative Tests, and Periodicty Describes how GI symptoms in parasite-free patients can be related to pathogenic bacteria and parasite cycles.