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Cleanse is one of the three formulas developed by world renown parasitologist Dr. Omar M. Amin. The formulas are based on Dr. Amin's research and experience that covers known remedies from the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Chinese to date, and that have been published in refereed journals. For instance, see Amin, O. M. and Amin, K. O. 1998. Herbal Remedies for Parasitic Infections. Explore 8 (6): 1-59 and Amin, O. M. 2003. Ancient Egyptian Medicine. Explore 13 (5): 7-15 It cleanses the colon from toxins and promotes regularity balancing your digestive system. It includes Psyllium Seed Husk, Atlantic Kelp, Corn Silk, Fo-Ti, Chinese Rhubarb, Peppermint Leaf, Black Cumin Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Fennel Seed, Ginger Root, Orange Peel Extract, Clove Bulb, Cascara Sagrada, and Slippery Elm Bark.
For more information see Parasite Cleanse